Project Concur
- Status:
- Complete
- Project Reference Number:
- NIA_NGN_142
Project summary
- Funding Licensee(s):
- Northern Gas Networks
- SP Energy Networks
- UK Power Networks
- Wales & West Utilities
- National Grid Gas Distribution
- Funding mechanism:
- Network Innovation Allowance
- Technology:
- Gas Distribution Networks
- Expenditure:
- £206,458
- Third Party Collaborators:
- Energy Innovation Centre
- SSE Energy Solutions
GDN’s and DNO’s collaborate with the EIC through a series of Strategic Innovation Summits, which brings together Company CEO’s and Senior Leaders from across GB to recognise cross-sector challenges within the energy landscape and collaborate on major sector innovation projects. On September 14, 2015 the EIC held a Customer Service Collaboration Summit in London with over 30 senior leaders. The Summit revealed that there is a much stronger case for addressing customer service challenges together, rather than each GDN and/or DNO addressing them independently.
This feasibility study is a result of that summit.
The Project Advisory Team, made up of representatives from various Network Operators, will be designated to oversee the governance and outcomes of this study. The team will be made up of subject matter experts who will inform the project partners, Fahrenheit 212, to shape the conclusions, develop the solutions and make the final determination, alongside the EIC. Therefore, the partnership requires collaboration, availability and contribution to ensure completing the critical success factors.
Our partners will complete three phases of the project over a 12 week period covering: -
Preliminary Exploration; covering Customer, Category, Channel and Company which will generate preliminary insights across these four opportunity areas.
Discovery Stage; building on the exploratory work, deploy research around a chosen opportunity area to test primary research with a cross section of stakeholders.
Final Definition; from the discovery findings the team will define and develop an innovation solution on how collaboration across DNOs and GDNs would work in executing and running the final proposed solution.
This final solution will be presented to EIC, Project Advisory Team, Senior Leaders and key Stakeholders.
Present a compelling vision, value proposition with baseline features and functionality as well as key benefits for customers and other key stakeholders, the industry, and regulators. This vision must consider, and account for, the operational implications of an industry collaboration initiative.Presentation of clear opportunity areas as a result of the phase 1 research containing compelling clarity to assist the Advisory Team to direct phase 2 research.
Deliver a high level, but comprehensive, Research Debrief outlining key insights and implications gleaned from detailed stakeholder research. Delivering comprehensive debrief as part of a larger Solutions Development Workshop, which will allow the Project Team to immediately translate the learning from the research into a solution recommendation.
Provide an outline of the operational, financial, regulatory, and technological and communication considerations of deploying a collaborative approach to consumer data to a “solutions workshop”.
Completing an assessment of each solution against the criteria set out at the beginning of the Feasibility Study together with strengths, weaknesses, viability and opportunities.
EIC and the Project Advisory Team decision-making facilitated and clear pathway to move forward.
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